
Scott Bennett (


Generates and displays an interactive, Google API powered map. To add markers to the map, use the cf_gMapMarker tag.


  GoogleAPIKey="Google API Key"
  style="style specification"
  id="HTML id"

See also



Attribute Req/Opt Default Description
GoogleAPIKey Required The Google API key that is assigned to your domain. To obtain a Google API key for your domain, click here.
Latitude Required if Longitude is specified 0 The Latitude of the location you want the map to be centered on. Ignored if Longitude is not specified.
Longitude Required if Latitude is specified 0 The Longitude of the location you want the map to be centered on. Ignored if Latitude is not specified.
ZoomLevel Optional 1 The zoom level. Fully zoomed-out is level 0, increasing the zoom level causes the map to be zoomed-in closer.
MapControl Optional false Specifies the pan/zoom control to appear in the upper left corner of the Google Map. Optional values are:
  • Large - a large pan/zoom control
  • Small - a smaller pan/zoom control
  • Zoom - a small zoom control (no panning controls)
  • None - no pan/zoom contols
ScaleControl Optional false If set to true, a map scale will appear in the lower left corner of the Google Map
MapTypeControl Optional false If set to true, buttons that let the user toggle between map types (such as Map and Satellite) will appear on the Google Map
OverviewMapControl Optional false If set to true, a collapsible overview map will appear in the lower right corner of the Google Map
style Optional width: 500px; height: 300px A style specification in CSS format that will be used in the DIV that will contain the Google map.
id Optional map_canvas The HTML ID that will be assigned to the DIV that will contain the Google map.

